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1000 Whales Will be Slaughtered!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:42 pm
by Glenn
Dear Jack's Sea Shanty Shackers, 06 December 2005

As you read this, I'm out on the high seas in the Southern Ocean near Antarctica. My ship, the Esperanza, and the Arctic Sunrise have set course for a direct confrontation with the Japanese whaling fleet.

In the coming months, Japanese whalers plan to slaughter nearly 1,000 whales in the name of "scientific research." It should come as no surprise that these slaughtered whales end up on grocery store shelves in Japan.

It costs $247,000 a month to keep our ship and crew on the high seas. In order to keep ourselves between the harpoons and the whales, we need YOUR support. Our goal is to reach $50,000 by January 1, so that we can stay in the Southern Ocean for a full month, working tirelessly to protect the whales. How successful we'll be - and how many whales will survive - depends on your willingness to pitch in. That's why I'm urging you to take action immediately to help stop the slaughter.

I've been at sea since I was 17. Chasing the Japanese fleet is what my crew and I can do to help protect the oceans, and the whales that belong there. But what we do is only possible with your support. Please, do what you can. Take a moment today to support our work.


Captain Frank Kamp
Greenpeace Ship Esperanza

P.S. This is the most ambitious expedition we've ever undertaken, and we really need your support. Please, forward this message to your friends and family, and encourage them to help us save as many whales as possible. ... 1206short2

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:47 pm
by Glenn
aaarrrgggh me maties, I will join you on the high seas.


Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 7:25 pm
by gidgetgoestohell

Aaarrrggg..I'd send ye money, but I spent it on grog and these here piggies....

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 7:30 pm
by gidgetgoestohell
And for the's Blackheart Beagle...the beagle pirate....



Did you kow that Charles Darwin's ship was called the HMS Beagle and that it was attacked by pirates??? All true....

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 7:49 pm
by a KROQ spy!

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 7:50 pm
by gidgetgoestohell


Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 1:08 pm
by biLzamo
the people who caused certain whales to come close to extinction were the americans. the japanese have been fishing whales since prehistoric times. but hey, americans dont even like to eat whales so they could care less if the hunting of whales gets banned.

what if the world told america "no more cow killing"? yeah right, it would never happen. the whole beef/cow industry causes a much more immediate and long term threat, to the environment, our culture and everything.

what if i came to your house, dug up every tree in your yard, then when you tried to dig up the last trees in your own yard, the guy who just tore down the whole orchard tells you its wrong for you to dig up trees.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 2:22 pm
by Glenn
Naughty whalers think they are tuff and all that.
Greenpeace to the rescue.
Creative ad campaigns

Don't save the whales, save yourself!

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 3:37 pm
by obiwankobe
Don't save the whales, save yourself!

Judson Cox
Judson Cox
December 1, 2003

An unholy combination of liberal social engineering and a mistaken interpretation of Christian charity is the second greatest threat to humanity. The greatest threat is Islamic fascism, whether it is advanced by terrorists or governments. The second is more subtle; well meaning, misguided idealists are using the powers of government to subvert natural selection. This column will not address the origin of life or species, which evolution cannot adequately explain.

Natural selection is the process through which species adapt to changes in environment. Superior species survive and reproduce, passing on genetic traits best suited to their environment. Inferior species lack adaptability and eventually become extinct. It is the survival of the fittest. Our environment is in constant flux; it produces ice ages, warm periods and changes in weather patterns. Our ability to thrive in various climates and even our skin pigmentation and body types are due to natural selection. Bacteria and viruses adapt and mutate as well, producing new diseases that can devastate populations; our immunities to diseases are the result of natural selection. Man is not excluded from the laws of nature; superior species must adapt even to the influence of man.

Interconnectivity is exaggerated. Dinosaurs were once the dominant species; their mass extinction did not threaten all life on earth; to the contrary, it enabled the prosperity of mammals. To measure the impact of an extinction, one must ask what other species eat the endangered animal with exclusivity. For instance, few species fed exclusively upon woolly mammoths or saber toothed tigers; their extinction had little impact. Similarly, the extinction of whales, manatees, spotted owls, eagles and alligators may be a loss from an aesthetic view but would have little negative effect on other species. Likewise, more common animals are not indispensable. If dogs, cats, horses, etc. became extinct, it would not imperil life on earth. Even if cows were to suddenly disappear, humans who rely on cows for food might switch to venison or chicken for meat and goats for milk, we would not starve — we would adapt.

The giant panda cannot adapt; its diet consists mainly (99%) of 9 varieties of bamboo. The panda requires a minimum of 26 — 33 lbs. of bamboo per day. Bamboo is becoming less available and pandas are nearing extinction.

Fortunes are being spent to save the panda — why? No species requires panda meat for survival. The panda is an inferior species. In his folly, man is resorting to cloning to defy the laws of nature under the banner of protecting nature.

As the science of cloning progresses it will be increasingly employed to preserve not only rare animals, but particularly admirable specimens (such as show dogs) and even humans. A clone is an exact genetic copy of an existing organism. Cloning halts evolution and subverts natural selection. Absent gradual adaptation, species cannot survive environmental changes. Clones would perish when faced with an ice age or a new disease. Such mass extinction would have catastrophic consequences, as non-cloned species would not have the opportunity to adapt to the absence. Well meaning do-gooders could endanger all life on earth.

Similarly, social programs that minimize the negative consequences of human actions imperil our society. One learns what not to do through discomfort, for instance learning not to touch a hot stove by burning one's hand. An 800 lb. woman was reported last week to have been unable to fit through the doorways of her public housing in Cleveland. A dozen firemen were required to remove her from her bedroom and transport her to the hospital. Taxpayers will now be required to build her new housing with doorways adequate for her girth, in addition to continuing to pay for her food, medical care, safety and all other needs. Such sloth is a flaw inherent to human nature, but a few generations ago it would not have been tolerated. She would have had to adapt to become a productive citizen or perish. She has become a giant panda.

Governmental social programs that protect the stupid, subsidize the lazy and coddle criminals are producing a society of giant pandas. If we continue to embrace this subversion of natural law, our nation will soon suffer the same fate as the panda. Don't save the whales, save yourself!

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 4:49 pm
by biLzamo
If there is any nation that DOESNT want the whale to become extinct, it's Japan. Why would they hunt to extinction the very thing they are breaking the law to hunt. They want that whale species to survive more than anybody.

Re: eh

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:17 am
by *Annie*
biLzamo wrote:the people who caused certain whales to come close to extinction were the americans. the japanese have been fishing whales since prehistoric times. but hey, americans dont even like to eat whales so they could care less if the hunting of whales gets banned.

what if the world told america "no more cow killing"? yeah right, it would never happen. the whole beef/cow industry causes a much more immediate and long term threat, to the environment, our culture and everything.

what if i came to your house, dug up every tree in your yard, then when you tried to dig up the last trees in your own yard, the guy who just tore down the whole orchard tells you its wrong for you to dig up trees.
So lets stop killing cows and lets stop killing wales. And for gods sake lets stop running bear hunting on ESPN as a sport when it's really murder!!!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:54 am
by Glenn
I have reeeived an encrypted message from the Grandmaster Green Fist.

decoded it reads "Activate all sleep-a PETA cells" immeadiately.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:59 am
by *Annie*
I'm on it!

(Greenpeace is my homepage :wink: )

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:41 am
by biLzamo
The whales were seen training in Afghanistan.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:43 am
by gidgetgoestohell
Where is Gooch when you need a good BASTARDO(S)??? I will say it for her....