Ok...must be something wrong with shloemoe(duh!)
...but if you operate a vehicle that spontanieously puts
itself into reverse...creating a senario where cops have
to fire their weapons(in public) to stop it...maybe your
a threat to public safety?.........Not so says Irvine PD...
you deserve a reward...
From OC Register:
The door of the battered 1970s green and white Ford Ranger barely closed on Thursday. And it took some coaxing for Jose Ayala to get the engine going, but what mattered is it started. And he had his truck back.
Irvine police blew out three of the truck's tires and ruined the rims after the pickup got stuck in reverse, spinning in perpetual backward flight for more than an hour Monday. A spike strip brought the incident to an end.
The pseudo-car chase made national news.
A tow truck from West Coast Towing hauled off the defeated pickup, still packed with recyclables, to its yard.
Ayala, 57, of Santa Ana said he could do without the fame. What he needed was his pickup.
Irvine police officers started talking about the truck and Ayala's predicament. They felt bad about taking out the tires but they couldn't think of anything else. They began passing the hat around the station and came up with $65. Then they started calling tire companies and the towing company.
Just Tires said they would pay for the tires. The towing company turned over the title – and gave Ayala back his money.
“He is just a hardworking guy who got into this situation,” said Mario Casas of the Irvine Police Department.
The $40 Ayala got for recyclables might not seem like a lot, but to his family of seven, every little bit helped. He was on his way to the recycling plant Monday with the bed of his pickup packed with empty cardboard produce boxes and glass bottles when he noticed something didn't seem right.
Ayala, a dishwasher at the Shady Canyon Golf Course, jumped out of the truck to check on his cargo when his truck started backing up and spinning circles in reverse.
“It just kept going around and around,” Ayala said. “There was nothing I could do about (it). I just had to wait.”
His 10-year-old granddaughter, Adriana, went to the towing company and helped translate.
“How much? How much?”
Ayala emptied his pockets to pay the $282 towing fees but he knew he could not afford new tires.
He couldn't drive a truck without tires, so he did the only thing he could. He signed over the title to the towing company – resigning his pickup of 20 years to the junkyard.
He reported to work at Shady Canyon on Tuesday. No one made the connection between the shy dishwasher and the truck on the nightly news. He didn't say a thing about his 15 minutes of fame.
“He is the nicest guy and a really hard worker,” said Dominique Braire, Shady Canyon's executive chef. “He's just a humble guy. You could ask him to do anything and the answer is always yes. He is just amazing.”
Ayala's dilemma would have gone unnoticed had officers not asked questions that revealed his need.
“These things happen every day but this has opened up a whole new world and a new dimension into who this guy is,” Casas said.
On Thursday, Ayala strapped on his seatbelt, smiled to his Adriana in the seat next to him and headed off to work.
“But I'm going to be a little late today,” Ayala said with a sheepish grin. “I just had some things to take care of today.”
..............So there it is...on the one hand it's a heartwarming tale
on the other hand it's....WHAT!!!!...The guy should be charged with
a crime er something!.....somebody could have been killed!!!!
That effing truck should be crushed, melted...
...Life's not fair...and I guess I got be thankfull for that...cause if it
was I'd be in a deep pile....can anyone tell that guy about AAmco?
Menace or saint?.....
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Menace or saint?.....
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I am now looking for a good fantasy.
--Anonymous Internet Sage
...Some men...ya just can't reach...
--The Captain from "Cool Hand Luke"