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Live 8...anyone else feel like you're getting cheated?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 8:45 am
by lsinger9404
So here I am with 2 TVs going, video recording, cavalcade of remote controls at the ready...30 minutes in and i've seen 15 minutes of commercials, 8 minutes of lame audience members being asked why they're there from even lamer MTVH1 commentators, 5 minutes of "Live" music (Black Eyed Peas) and the previous 3 hours of concert that6 has already been presented whittled down to a 2 minute montage of "highlights". If I hear an artist say they're there to "Make Poverty History" one more time, i'm gonna puke.

Uh oh...outta my way!

Seriously...I knew there was gonna be trouble when I saw the line-ups on the 5 different continents. Live Aid was 2 concerts...and they switched between the 2. The artist that was on in London was broadcast in Philly while Phily was setting up. then vice versa. Now, with modern on-the-fly editting technology, we're getting snippets and time delayed stuff. I loved the spontaneity and stitched together nature of Live Aid. They may as well have already pre-recorded these concerts in sound stages with canned audiences....mabye audience shos left over Live Aid.

Why SO MANY commercials?? They're not asking for donations for this you KNOW MTV ain't gonna donate it to the cause...It's going straight in to Viacom's pockets. It should be commercial free...cause seeing a commercial for Burger King or the latest action flick kinda...uh... undermines the caue that we're fighting poverty.

Alright....8 more minutes of commercials....

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:23 am
by gidgetgoestohell
To be quite honest Larry, I kind of knew this whole thing was going to be a cluster fuck, so, I skipped it.

I agree with you about how great the Live Aid show was. But then again, that was a different time. Now it seems that if some kid in lower East Bangladesh stubs his toe, all the "rock stars" world wide get together and throw a benefit. I also suppose that I am still slightly bitter over what happened in Somalia.

Glad you took one for the team and confirmed my suspicions. Sorry that you had to put up with Paris washing that car, over and over again....

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 8:01 am
by lsinger9404
gidgetgoestohell wrote: Glad you took one for the team and confirmed my suspicions. Sorry that you had to put up with Paris washing that car, over and over again....
Ohh....when I wrote the message...the TV had faded in to the background. I DID record the whole thing and thank GOD for high speed fast forward.

I did catch part of Pink Floyd's performance. That was definitely a highlight. Bummer thing was that I remembered 1/2 way through their set (at 3:30) that I had meant to change the tape at 3. I missed "Comfortaby Numb" least the first time they showed it. It was rebroadcast as a "highlight". I also taped the Ch 7 2 hour special, cause you KNOW they're gonna trim away the fat and get to the relevant stuff. KNOW boots of this are gonna show up faster than you can say "ebay". I'm just a layman and I can copy excellent quality shows from my DVR to my computer in real time. These guys out there are pros, and you KNOW they had the case designed before the beginning of the show. And THEY'RE gonna cut out the commercials.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 8:23 am
by Glenn
I knew something was odd and frankly outraged when I found out The Fleiss had not even invited to perform the Whore song. Major label conspiracy or something.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 8:37 am
by gidgetgoestohell
I agree with you Glenn-O. Dirty rat bastirds....trying to keep the Fleiss down...

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:41 am
by a KROQ spy!
gidgetgoestohell wrote:I agree with you Glenn-O. Dirty rat bastirds....trying to keep the Fleiss down...


Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:57 am
by MicheBel

OK, there are moments when I just LOVE the KROQ Spy.

then, there are others when I come to my senses...


Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:11 am
by gidgetgoestohell
Only if that shot would have had Charlie Sheen's hand on the back of Heidi's head...THAT would have been a masterpiece....

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:23 pm
by Gooch
a KROQ spy! wrote:
gidgetgoestohell wrote:I agree with you Glenn-O. Dirty rat bastirds....trying to keep the Fleiss down...
She went to my high did Judge Ito...