Date: Sat Jan 29, 2005 4:25 pm
Miche's Saga of the Sold-Out Camp Freddy Benefit:
Part Three, Hotter and Hotter
For the third song, "Get It On (Bang A Gong)", Donovan exits and Michael Des Barres takes over the vocal duties. Before he starts, he mentions how tight his pants are. Which forces one to look at the quite protruding penile area. The pants are white after all, and the package is oh so obvious. Navarro mentions later what a handsome man Des Barres is. Eh. He's handsome in a Hollywood way. Well-packaged. Er, so to speak...
Once I can quit noticing his package, I realize this song is rocking. For the next song, I'm telling you, it's a rock and sex show, "Feel Like Making Love," they bring out Annabella Llewyn, the former wild child of Bow Wow Wow. She was a hot teen eons ago with that band, but I'm telling you, she is an even more stunning woman now. And she's wearing a skintight black velvet catsuit, low cut to the stomach, with slinky chains wrapped around her hips. In her hair, she has a gold/bronze mesh type of netting covering her amazing long black hair. It sparkles with every turn. Des Barres pulls her as close as he can get away with for the duet, but I'm not feeling the chemistry between them.
Did I mention that Dave Navarro is shirtless? So between the show of skin and Annabella's catsuit and Des Barres' package, it's a very sexy song. OK, music aficionados, quick: what is Bow Wow Wow's ONLY hit? In the time it took you to read that, I'm sure your mind came up with "I Want Candy," which was the next song. Before launching into it, Anabella takes the mesh thing out of her hair. She has the most beautifully lustrous long black hair and while she's singing the next one, she uses it like a prop. Beautiful.
I love the Clash, they're one of my favorite bands, but due to the fact that it was nearly the only Clash song that was ever played on the radio previously and got WAY overplayed, I've grown to hate, "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" Somehow though (Anabella exits and Leif Garrett takes her place on vocals), when Camp Freddy does it, it sounds fresh and alive. It was great.
These guest stars are a parade of people who've been on Indie or should be. Terri Nunn, for example, was recently on Jonesy's Jukebox (and did an amazing version of the next song there). Oh yes, Berlin's only hit. Ready? "Metro." Some people behind me remark that she looks like she's wasted, and she is kinda all over the stage, but the song's good anyway, though I thought the Jonesy version was better.
I think it was about this time that the magnitude of this show hit me. Steve Stevens, Billy Idol's former guitarist (and thanks to the Street Team member, Adrian, who helped with that info) joins the band for an incredible "Suffragette City". Good gosh does that man WAIL on guitar!
Stevens and Nunn exit the stage and Navarro brings up someone he obviously has a lot of respect for, Jerry Cantrell (Alice in Chains). He sings a blistering version of Jailbreak. Oh, and we learn he, too, has a big package. Thanks, Dave.

And it just keeps getting better and more rockin...