Apple Computer claims to have over 21,000 distribution points for its iPod digital music player and growing. Here's the 21,001st: a vending machine located at Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport in Georgia.
With a swipe of your credit card, the Zoom Shop machine -- also stocking batteries, digital cameras, and other photo accessories -- will be willing to serve up an iPod mini or shuffle. And the best part: there's no checkout lines or pesky Apple sales staff pushing you to invest in an AppleCare extended warranty.
A similar machine has also been spotted at San Francisco International Airport, with several others likely located at other major airports throughout the United States.
At one point Apple had hinted that its mini retail store concept may make a nice fit for airport terminals and busy international rail stations. But we had no idea they'd be able to shrink the stores into staff-less 6-foot wide space.
"Bitches, don't you know I'm being sarcastic?!"
-Julian Casablancas
I just thought it was funny, that although it seems like a good idea to put iPods for sale at airports where you need them the most, once you buy it and get ready to listen to it on your flight... there's no music in it!
"Bitches, don't you know I'm being sarcastic?!"
-Julian Casablancas
*Annie* wrote:I just thought it was funny, that although it seems like a good idea to put iPods for sale at airports where you need them the most, once you buy it and get ready to listen to it on your flight... there's no music in it!
that's a great point, i wonder if they sell them with music already loaded??
*Annie* wrote:I just thought it was funny, that although it seems like a good idea to put iPods for sale at airports where you need them the most, once you buy it and get ready to listen to it on your flight... there's no music in it!
a machine is in the mall by my house
i just say it the other day....
on the other side there are a bunch of books for sale
i dont get it either....
hmmm. interesting.
i do like the condoms, et al.
hey i just met this hottie in line... lets fuck in the plane (in the dressing room....) great give me 5 mins.... run to vending machine.....
*Annie* wrote:I just thought it was funny, that although it seems like a good idea to put iPods for sale at airports where you need them the most, once you buy it and get ready to listen to it on your flight... there's no music in it!
that's a great point, i wonder if they sell them with music already loaded??
There's no way you can cater to everyone's music taste... maybe they'll set up iTunes stations like at the Apple Store... that would make more sense, that way you end up spending more money... and time, then missing your flight?
"Bitches, don't you know I'm being sarcastic?!"
-Julian Casablancas
jr wrote:and ginkoba for energy
and dry skin ointment...
now all they need is
boonesfarm strawberry hill or tickle pink
That is just about the perfect recipe for a party!
...and then at the end of the letter I like to write "P.S. - this is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated.-- Mitch Hedberg
Ugh...had 5 1/2 of those one night....everyone found out what my inside were made of...that's the first and last time I got sick because of alcohol...although the last Adolescents show came pretty close...
gidgetgoestohell wrote:I think that I might be me a Mickey's Big Mouth tonight just for old times sake.....
"Librarians are the secret masters of the world. They control information. Don't ever piss one off..."
That was the best/worst! You know when they add games to the beer that it's just wrong!
...and then at the end of the letter I like to write "P.S. - this is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated.-- Mitch Hedberg
*Annie* wrote:Apple Computer claims to have over 21,000 distribution points for its iPod digital music player and growing. Here's the 21,001st: a vending machine located at Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport in Georgia.
With a swipe of your credit card, the Zoom Shop machine -- also stocking batteries, digital cameras, and other photo accessories -- will be willing to serve up an iPod mini or shuffle. And the best part: there's no checkout lines or pesky Apple sales staff pushing you to invest in an AppleCare extended warranty.
A similar machine has also been spotted at San Francisco International Airport, with several others likely located at other major airports throughout the United States.
At one point Apple had hinted that its mini retail store concept may make a nice fit for airport terminals and busy international rail stations. But we had no idea they'd be able to shrink the stores into staff-less 6-foot wide space.
That's gotta be the most awesome vending machine I've ever seen. But it also seems kind of pointless, because if I was buying an iPod in a aiport chances are I'd be buying it to use on the plane, and if I needed somethin for the plane than probably I wouldn't have a laptop to put music on it with.
I still want an iPod...150+ cds are too many to carry around when they'd all fit on a tiny little iPod.
Will the new shuffle be alright? It's only a gig, and the size of the remotes for most iPods.
And it's cheap.
My cousin just got himself one...he started with $10 and played poker with a bunch of drunk guys until he had $150, then the drunk guys started passing out so he had to be content with a nano.